My new reed came on Friday! Third time's definitely the charm - it's a lot easier to play now. I still have to get used to a few things.
First, the fingerings are different. The fingerings for F and F# are switched compared every other woodwind instrument I've played. Here's a diagram. Note how F for one instrument is basically the same as F# for the other, and vice versa.
Fingerings comparisons, clarinet vs. oboe. Diagonal fingerings are almost the same. |
Some oboe fingerings also require using the "half-hole." No other instrument I've played so far has this feature, so I often forget when I should or shouldn't be using it. However, it's a little similar to the use of the left pointer finger on flute - the notes where you need it are similar.)
Half-hole is in green, fully pressed key is in blue. Effective because of the hole in the blue key. |
Finally, I have to get used to using less air than I do with other instruments. It's a smaller reed with a smaller opening, and I've heard my orchestra conductor say that oboists tend to store air they don't need. If I take too big of a breath, it strains my lungs and embouchure and I end up getting a headache. A little goes a long way with the oboe.
Here's "Aura Lee",
first attempt (bad reed) and
second attempt (good reed).
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